I was taught to think before I act shirt
I grew up near Salt Lake City, I was taught to think before I act shirt. Utah! It was fun seeing that shot of the Salt Lake City temple at the beginning of the video. Hope you've enjoyed your last week of travels! Now go sleep.i never claimed to have the least sleep in the world. That's a race I don't want to win! I want my 7.5 hours of sleep! that's all. My own debt is through the roof, thanks to random bouts of insomnia over the years... I just had my sleep study last week. The results were not good. Shit suuuuucks. I appreciate your videos so much. Thank you for showing me parts of the world I would never think to travel to.
Buy this shirt: I was taught to think before I act shirt
Picturestees - Shop trending shirts, hoodies and sweater
Thank you for showing the beauty and humanity in the world when the rest of media shows the ugly, I was taught to think before I act shirt. 💓 love to both you and alyne. One more thing not trying to be a Debbie downer but seems to me you are burned out of making one min videos, if something doesn't work in your life anymore it's time to move on to something else. I'm nowhere near burned out! I have 200 more days left. I'll burn out on Day 1,000. It does get harder every day though. If you look at last week's videos, they are more than a minute. It's a new challenge I'm undertaking, and it's working!
Buy this shirt: I was taught to think before I act shirt
I was taught to think before I act shirt
Picturestees - Shop trending shirts, hoodies and sweater
Thank you for showing the beauty and humanity in the world when the rest of media shows the ugly, I was taught to think before I act shirt. 💓 love to both you and alyne. One more thing not trying to be a Debbie downer but seems to me you are burned out of making one min videos, if something doesn't work in your life anymore it's time to move on to something else. I'm nowhere near burned out! I have 200 more days left. I'll burn out on Day 1,000. It does get harder every day though. If you look at last week's videos, they are more than a minute. It's a new challenge I'm undertaking, and it's working!
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