Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt
All of this is a short-term fix, what is the long-term plan for them?? Why not allocate funds to the trucks supplying the feed and water.
Funds to purchase feed and fuel. Your heart goes out to them Mr. Tu.rnball.
Well ho,w about you get your backside out there and put your feet on the ground and get your hands dirty.. Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt. stop puffing out your chest making out you’re some kind of hero for actually giving them the necessary money that they do longly need and deserve. Don’t stop all money going overseas. But lessening the amount sent & giving it to the families that need help in the farmers keeping stock & feed & water in a manageable environment to keep our food costs down when we do eventually run out of food.
Believe me with 25mill people now to feed, we need to make a difference now, isn’t it already too late?
How many more farming families need to lose a life?
Funds to purchase feed and fuel. Your heart goes out to them Mr. Tu.rnball.
Well ho,w about you get your backside out there and put your feet on the ground and get your hands dirty.. Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt. stop puffing out your chest making out you’re some kind of hero for actually giving them the necessary money that they do longly need and deserve. Don’t stop all money going overseas. But lessening the amount sent & giving it to the families that need help in the farmers keeping stock & feed & water in a manageable environment to keep our food costs down when we do eventually run out of food.
Believe me with 25mill people now to feed, we need to make a difference now, isn’t it already too late?
How many more farming families need to lose a life?
Chicken Not Today Clucker shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top
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