
Official Make insulin affordable again shirt

I’m torn between posting this to Depthhub and not filling firedrop’s inbox with hateful comments.  Official Make insulin affordable again shirt.  Haha, we could have a bet for which sub brigades with more hateful comments – fat people hate or gamer garters (taking into account my last lengthy post about their “survey”). I feel like a higher proportion of FPH is angry  enough  to PM hatefulness at people. GG has a lot of people vaguely concerned about cultural Marxism who aren’t actually doing anything about it. All good. I was making a super nerdy joke about caste and India anyway. Yeah sorry, I’m cleaning up survey data right now and I’m about to tear my hair out. So my sense of humor might be a little off atm. Make insulin affordable again. FPH seems to equate the rise in obesity with the minority voice that celebrates larger bodies as beautiful, sexy, and desirable. They ignore/refuse the fat shaming —> decreased self-esteem and increased fe...

Back off crazy sister anger issues and stupid people not afraid shirt

They have cardboard in them which is surrounded by a harder material… this was cardboard surrounded by particle board.  Back off crazy sister anger issues and stupid people not afraid shirt.  In North America, yes. In Europe, hell no. Every single internal door in any residence I’ve ever been to here is solid wood. Ireland here, the bedroom doors in my house were built with the egg carton stuff in them. We replaced them with real wood. Mostly all internal doors in refuges have cardboard in them. Decent doors contain actual wood. As a person with almost identical internal doors, I can tell you they do very little for noise reduction. And it doesn’t take much force to do damage like this to them. My sex life has suffered somewhat due to them. To all the people arguing against this with their own personal experiences saying things like, United States POD Print On Demand T-shirt -  Back off crazy sister anger issues and stupid people not afraid shi...

Flag of the United States EMT Shirt

Flag of the United States EMT Shirt, ladies, v-neck t-shirt, tank top, flowy tank. flowy tank ladies tee tank top unisex v-neck   I really don’t think it’s a stretch to state that, among the cohort of top schools. Stanford places a larger emphasis on medical leadership, tech, and entrepreneurship. The fact that so many Stanford students do research years and dual degrees show. That Stanford is an institution which values leadership and excellence in research, administration, etc. I’m not sure why you took this as an attack on your school as I think it’s one of Stanford’s big selling points. Medical leadership doesn’t just mean “selling out” and going into a tech startup, it also means going into academic medicine or doing an MBA, both of which Stanford is particularly known for. The high proportion of research years clearly does not reflect poorly on Stanford in that light. I’d also love to hear why you disagree with my comments about schools at the end of the list– ...

American viking Victory or valhalla shirt

American Viking Victory or Valhalla shirt, ladies, v-neck t-shirt, tank top, flowy tank. flowy tank ladies tee v-neck tank top   Their kickstarter page is atrocious is really bad and lacks vital information like player count and time of play. I really dislike the name of the game as well but that’s just personal preference. I believe one of the guys in my group is gonna back it so I’ll eventually give it a shot. Also worth mentioning that those crazy shipping charges are not obvious at first glance. I wonder how many people are going to back, only to realise months from now that they owe another 70 euro. As an Australian, you get used to going straight to the shipping section to look it up because so many smaller kickstarters have disproportionately high shipping. I don’t mind it, but I’ve been a fan of Abigail Larson and Ksenia Svincova’s art for a while. I agree that the box art mock up they have looks bad, but it’s not a dealbreaker for me and I did...

Don’t Stop Retrievin’ shirt

Don’t Stop Retrievin’ guys tee, ladies, v-neck t-shirt, tank top, flowy tank It is fully automated. I am one of the founders and CEO of Linkapedia  Don’t Stop Retrievin’ shirtDon’t Stop Retrievin’ shirt . Information Retrieval (IR) means the activity to search for the desired information from a document or even to search for a particular document in a large document collection. Web search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo! etc. are the perfect examples of IR applications. For more details and a general overview of IR science, process, evaluation, popular conferences etc. Retrieval as the word suggests, it is about retrieving i.e here it is information. The art and techniques used to retrieve information from the vast amount of data Information Retrieval. United States POD Print On Demand T-shirt -  Don’t Stop Retrievin’ shirt : V-neck Flowy Tank Guys Tee Ladies Tee Tank Top As you are...

Blessed To Be Called Mom And Nanny shirt

Blessed To Be Called Mom And Nanny guys tee, ladies, v-neck t-shirt, tank top, flowy tank Who came from Italian and Irish stock. My daughter’s skin is closer to my color and she has epicanthic folds more distinct at the corner of each eye; Some people said that she looks like me. Many mothers at home today are finding that they can use a helping hand around the house and a nanny may be the way to fill that need. But a mother merely mentions her choice to hire a nanny in social circles, even among mothers at another home, which often burns Mommy Wars debate. Comments comment that mothers must be lazy or not care about their family to do everything for them to divide their parents in this very personal decision. United States POD Print On Demand T-shirt -  Blessed To Be Called Mom And Nanny shirt : Guys Tee V-neck Flowy Tank Tank Top Ladies Tee Some mothers at home may benefit from having a n...